Eschewing consumer culture, Pete Adeney, also known as Mr. Money Mustache, practices an extreme frugality that allowed him to retire at age 30. Avoiding car use, DIYing and investing in stock market index funds are among the tactics he and his fellow F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early) devotees espouse. Paul Solman reports from Colorado in… Continue reading FINANCE – “Mr. Money Mustache” Pete Adeney Helps People Retire Young – PBS NewsHour (26 Oct 2018)
Tag: Finance
DEMOCRACY – Charles Koch Speaks Out Against Corporate Welfare and Crony Capitalism
Video In this 24 Apr 2018 video, Jonathan Karl of ABC News interviews conservative billionaire Charles Koch. Quotes “We have this corporate welfare that benefits established companies and makes it very difficult for somebody to get started because this two-tiered society creates welfare for the wealthy and creates obstacles to opportunities for the disadvantaged. I… Continue reading DEMOCRACY – Charles Koch Speaks Out Against Corporate Welfare and Crony Capitalism
Wells Fargo Ad: Established 1852 and Re-Established in 2018
Wells Fargo is working to earn back public trust. The video below is part of that initiative, and is described on their 6 May 2017 YouTube post as: To earn back your trust, Wells Fargo has renewed its commitment to you. See our re-established goals at Here’s the video.
TIAA-CREF Investment Funds
TIAA-CREF U.S. Equity Funds Growth & Income (TIIRX) Mid-Cap Growth (TCMGX) Real Estate Securities (TCREX) Equity Index (TINRX) Large-Cap Growth (TIRTX) Mid-Cap Value (TCMVX) Social Choice Equity (TICRX) Large-Cap Value (TCLCX) Small-Cap Equity (TCSEX) Social Choice Low Carbon Equity Fund (TLWCX)
Investment Advice from Vanguard
Four timeless principles to help you reach your investment objectives Successful investment management companies base their business on a core investment philosophy, and Vanguard is no different. Although we offer many specific strategies through both internally and externally managed funds, an overarching theme runs through the investment guidance we provide to clients—focus on those things… Continue reading Investment Advice from Vanguard
Why Some Countries Have Higher Interest Rates
Countries With High Interest Rates As the chart below indicates, some countries have very high bank interest rates. While money invested in a Canadian bank may only earn 1% interest, that same money could earn 12% interest in Nigeria. So, why don’t people invest all their money in foreign banks? This article briefly explains the… Continue reading Why Some Countries Have Higher Interest Rates
One Coin for All of Your Cards – Universal Digital Card Device
Coin is a credit-card size device similar to the Proteân Echo that retains multiple cards in its memory. As of November 2013, it’s currently in the crowd-source funding phase, but is reported for availability in 2014. There are many card storage apps for the iPhone and other mobile devices. These will keep track of your card… Continue reading One Coin for All of Your Cards – Universal Digital Card Device
Aljazeera Report on Education, Culture, Lifestyle, Economy, Housing, and Employment in China
This is a common story for young people in countries and cities around the world seeking employment and hoping to create a better life. Description: Many young Chinese are losing faith in China’s economic miracle. Even though the country is poised to overtake the US in the next decade as the world’s largest, fewer Chinese… Continue reading Aljazeera Report on Education, Culture, Lifestyle, Economy, Housing, and Employment in China
Before Going Shopping – Smart Shopping Guidelines and Considerations
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Investing and Saving Money – Financial Tools and Resources
Finance Summary. Below is a list that represents a the broad spectrum of financial diversification available for investing and saving money. Much of the information presented here in condensed form was gathered from the Basics of Investing Lesson in the Money 101 Guide offered by Money Magazine which is owned by CNN which is owned… Continue reading Investing and Saving Money – Financial Tools and Resources