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World’s Biggest Oil Spill Off Coast of Yemen Expected Soon – Will Impact Environment and Economy

The spill is estimated to be 1.14 million barrels of oil, 4-times the size of the Exxon Valdez spill, and if no action is taken soon. The stranded tanker off the coast of Yemen is expected to break in half causing a massive environmental disaster. “From above it’s a pin prick in the waters off… Continue reading World’s Biggest Oil Spill Off Coast of Yemen Expected Soon – Will Impact Environment and Economy

Epic 4.5 Hour Documentary Film: “HUMAN”

“For two years we travelled through 65 countries filming nature and the places man has created. In our quest to meet the world’s people, we spoke to more than 2,000 of them. People we talk about, but above all, people we never talk about. People who tell their stories for the first time.” ~ Yann Arthus-Bertrand,… Continue reading Epic 4.5 Hour Documentary Film: “HUMAN”

“The Physics of Law” – Photos and Music by Greg Johnson

Production Notes. “Over the period of a few days I started creating a new song, returning to it and tweaking it each day – mostly in the mornings while exercising on the elliptical machine. This is one of the first songs I created with Garageband on the iPhone by layering multiple tracks down in a… Continue reading “The Physics of Law” – Photos and Music by Greg Johnson