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U.S. President Salutes North Korean General – Commentary

In 2016, it was popular to capture and share split-second photos of politicians waving at crowds and portray the gesture as a Nazi salute. The Russian media outlet RT as well as social media trolls used such images to insight strife, discord, and tension. This week a photo is circulating showing the current U.S. President… Continue reading U.S. President Salutes North Korean General – Commentary

Tulsi Gabbard Interview Regarding Korea – 4 May 2018

About the Video “Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says that no matter how people feel about President Trump, there is an opportunity to end the Korean War and denuclearize North Korea and failure to capitalize could have dire consequences.” ~ From video description on YouTube. Impactful and Effective On this and other issues, Gabbard holds to… Continue reading Tulsi Gabbard Interview Regarding Korea – 4 May 2018

Google Promotes “The Interview” Movie and Tobacco to Under-Age Viewers While Offending Billions of People — Gets Kicked Out of China

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) rates movies based on a variety of criteria and determines an acceptable viewing audience. According to FilmRatings.com (the MPAA rating site), The Interview, featuring Seth Rogen and James Franco, is rated as ‘R’ due to “pervasive language, crude and sexual humor, nudity, some drug use and bloody violence.” Due to… Continue reading Google Promotes “The Interview” Movie and Tobacco to Under-Age Viewers While Offending Billions of People — Gets Kicked Out of China