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Skin Care: Packing and Unpacking Boxes

Cardboard boxes commonly have very sharp edges. To avoid severe paper cuts, it is advisable to use an inexpensive pair of jersey gloves at a cost of about $1 US. Gloves will also help avoid dryness that can occur after continued handling of boxes and papers.

Categorized as Health

Quotes on Youth

“Youth would be an ideal state if it came later in life.” – quote found on Good Earth tea bag (20070625mo0841)


“Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.” – Herbert Henry Asquith, 1852-1928, found on Good Earth Tea bag (20040817tu)

Wellness Documentary: Super Size Me

Director Morgan Spurlock’s social experiment in fast-food gastronomy sees him attempting to subsist uniquely on food from the McDonald’s menu for an entire month. In the process his weight balloons, his energy level plummets and he experiences all sorts of unexpected — and terrifying — side effects. He also examines the corporate giant’s growing role… Continue reading Wellness Documentary: Super Size Me

Live the Answer, Independence, Confidence

“If no one joins you in your quest for health and fitness, be willing to walk alone. If you start, they will join you.” – ForeverGreen, formerly The Brain Garden (20040311th)

Nutritious Food

“No junk food can possibly taste as good as healthy feels.” – ForeverGreen, formerly The Brain Garden (20040311th)