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Joe Biden Report 2024

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

Summary This document offers some news and information about Joe Biden in 2024 leading up to the presidential election in November. More selected content will be added to this page as it becomes available. Videos Below are some videos about Biden. Some of these mix humor with news. This election cycle various news media outlets… Continue reading Joe Biden Report 2024

Joe Biden and Peaceful Centrists Face Violence From Extremism on Right and Left

This month we’ve seen violent and illegal behavior from extremists on the right and the left in response to the centrist and moderate resurgence we’re seeing in the United States. Republicans who have expressed concerns in recent years about extremism in the party are now feeling vindicated, despite the backlash of being branded as RINOs… Continue reading Joe Biden and Peaceful Centrists Face Violence From Extremism on Right and Left

Joe Biden Inauguration Speech Video and Full Transcript Text

Video Here is a video of Biden’s speech. The full transcript is below the video. Inauguration Speech Transcript Chief Justice Roberts, Vice President Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, Vice President Pence, distinguished guests, and my fellow Americans. This is America’s day. This is democracy’s day. A day of history and hope. Of renewal… Continue reading Joe Biden Inauguration Speech Video and Full Transcript Text

2020 Presidential Election Commentary

The photo at the top of this page shows a yard sign that simply states “Decency 2020” borrowing a stylized red “E” used by the Biden campaign. I took the photo on election day and thought it conveyed the main theme of this year’s presidential election. With the news of Joe Biden winning the election,… Continue reading 2020 Presidential Election Commentary

Unifying Positive Responses from Republicans to Biden Presidential Election Win

Here are some comments from Republicans in response to the Biden Presidential Election win. Comments are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top. John Kasich (7 Nov 2020 at 1:20 PM) Jon Huntsman (7 Nov 2020 at 1:06 PM) Mary Kaye and I congratulate our new POTUS/VPOTUS-elect. Transitions in power are… Continue reading Unifying Positive Responses from Republicans to Biden Presidential Election Win

“The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden” – FRONTLINE Full Video and Interviews (PBS, 22 Sep 2020)

With the nation in crisis, FRONTLINE investigates how President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have responded to crises throughout their own lives. In the midst of the historic coronavirus pandemic, economic hardship and a reckoning over racism, this November Americans will decide who leads the nation for the next four years: President… Continue reading “The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden” – FRONTLINE Full Video and Interviews (PBS, 22 Sep 2020)

Let’s Stop Stigmatizing Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity and Verbal Gaffes

There has been a rise in news reports focusing on Joe Biden’s verbal gaffes and questioning his mental acuity. His opponents in the Democratic Party as well as Republicans, are hoping this will discourage voters from supporting him. The result of this will be that people either vote for Trump, or they stay home thinking… Continue reading Let’s Stop Stigmatizing Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity and Verbal Gaffes

I spent a year helping elect Joe Biden, and I didn’t know it.

As someone who is politically independent, I support a variety of candidates, sometimes opposing ones if I like their positions and how their message influences public discourse. There are Republicans and Democratic Party politicians helping make their parties better, doing good work, promoting civility, and helping bring attention and solutions to important issues. Over the… Continue reading I spent a year helping elect Joe Biden, and I didn’t know it.

“You’re a lying dog-faced Pony Soldier” ~ Joe Biden to woman at New Hampshire event (9 Feb 2020)

On Sunday, 9 Feb 2020, Joe Biden made a comment that quickly went viral. In response to a question from a woman at one of his events, he looked at her and said: “You’re a lying dog-faced Pony Soldier.” The statement certainly wasn’t presidential or respectful. It is not defensible. However, some context can help… Continue reading “You’re a lying dog-faced Pony Soldier” ~ Joe Biden to woman at New Hampshire event (9 Feb 2020)

Here’s how the top Iowa Caucus contenders were able to claim ‘victory’ for their campaigns

As huge crowds of supporters gathered to hear speeches from their favorite candidates on Caucus night in Iowa, the candidates were unable to tell their supporters the one thing everyone wanted to know: Who won. Based on totals received from their precinct captains and other campaign workers, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and Bernie… Continue reading Here’s how the top Iowa Caucus contenders were able to claim ‘victory’ for their campaigns