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Glengarry Glen Ross

Photo by Nate on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides links to information about the film Glengarry Glen Ross as well as access to watch the film free on YouTube with ads. Brutalism and harsh authoritarianism is a style of leadership that has become popularized in recent years. As of November 2022, Elon Musk is managing Twitter in a style similar… Continue reading Glengarry Glen Ross

Twitter News 2022

Photo by DSD on Pexels.com

Summary In the fall of 2022, Elon Musk bought Twitter. Some of the news leading up to the buyout, and management decisions that followed, resulted in Twitter gaining free headline coverage in multiple news cycles for an extended period. This page was created on 6 Nov 2022. OVERVIEW — This page provides selected news stories about… Continue reading Twitter News 2022

Are social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook limiting free speech and the First Amendment?

Multiple Viewpoints It’s natural to seek out news and opinions that support our own views, and avoid whatever challenges us to think deeper about issues. This article will likely reinforce and also challenge your views. Please consider reading the various perspectives presented here, and then provide comments and feedback with any suggestions of how to… Continue reading Are social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook limiting free speech and the First Amendment?

Twitter Site Down for Maintenance – Iran Tehran Government United States Protest

Technology Summary. At the time of this posting (1615 CT USA) Twitter is down for maintenance. We will provide an update when services are restored. Background. According to a report at Forbes.com, the maintenance outage today was originally scheduled for Monday but it had been delayed due to the crisis in Iran. The following statement… Continue reading Twitter Site Down for Maintenance – Iran Tehran Government United States Protest