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Good News Report 2024

Photo by Binti Malu on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some news reports about positive trends and stories. More content will be added as it becomes available. There are two initial reports below that set the tone of this document. The focus is on underreported good news, misunderstood news, and ways the public may be coming to pessimistic conclusions. Doom Scrolling… Continue reading Good News Report 2024

Future Report 2024

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

Summary This document is intended to offer news and information about innovations and technologies that can serve future generations and improve quality of life. Initially there are some videos from a PBS series that present realistic and positive future outcomes. A Brief History of the Future The videos below are from the six part series… Continue reading Future Report 2024

Poor Logic – Low Impact 2023

Photo by Paul IJsendoorn on Pexels.com

Summary An ongoing theme on this website is the study of ineffective and counterproductive initiatives. This page offers news and resources examining how poor logic leads to low impact efforts. Heat Seeking for Evidence Sometimes if we know the conclusion we want to arrive at, we seek and selectively share evidence that helps defend and… Continue reading Poor Logic – Low Impact 2023

Unity Through Cooperation

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Summary Unity is important for effective business outcomes and broader social wellbeing. Cooperation is the process of identifying the skills, insights, and interests of diverse people and groups, then leveraging those assets for greater outcomes. Cooperation is not Compromise There’s an incorrect belief that cooperation involves compromise. The most effective collaborative efforts happen when people… Continue reading Unity Through Cooperation

Indigenous Report 2023

Photo by Julia Volk on Pexels.com

Summary Indigenous news and topics have grown in the sphere of broader public awareness due to several factors. This page offers some related commentary and news. Maturing in Character A thoughtful individual has awareness of context and surroundings. One begins to look around to see others and consider them — perhaps expressed as holding the… Continue reading Indigenous Report 2023

Population Report 2022

Photo by San Fermin Pamplona on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some news and information about the state of our global population. Information below is listed chronologically with the most recent at the top. Entry headers include source and date. Some commentary for context is at the top of this document. This document is a companion to a longer population reference guide… Continue reading Population Report 2022

These Bipartisan Efforts are Inspiring and Impactful

Overview As a nation, collectively and as individuals, many are focusing 90% of their energy on the 10% of things that we disagree on rather than the 90% that we agree on. As has been said repeatedly, what unites us is greater than what divides us. Our country faces many challenges. We could list the… Continue reading These Bipartisan Efforts are Inspiring and Impactful

Black Community Leaders Speak Out Against Violent Protests

We’ve witnessed decades of violent and militant acts among right-wing extremists. Everything from incidents like the 1995 Oklahoma bombing, to more recent events like the attack on the U.S. Capitol. Right-wing extremists seem to be more heavily armed and motivated to do greater harm than their leftist counterparts. There are many examples of armed right-wing… Continue reading Black Community Leaders Speak Out Against Violent Protests

Meet the Republicans Promoting Civility and Cooperation

While public attention has mostly been on extremism within the Republican Party over the past four years, there have also been some hopeful indicators for where the party may be heading in the future. I try to support leaders across the political spectrum who seem to be independent thinkers who will put people and country… Continue reading Meet the Republicans Promoting Civility and Cooperation

Roger McNamee Discusses His Wired Article – “Platforms Must Pay for Their Role in the Insurrection”

In his article “Platforms Must Pay for Their Role in the Insurrection,” [Wired 7 Jan 2021] Roger McNamee has asserted that Facebook, Twitter, and other social media services intentionally promote incendiary content. He states, “the algorithmic amplification of extreme content is a business choice made in pursuit of profit.” Content that incites people will be… Continue reading Roger McNamee Discusses His Wired Article – “Platforms Must Pay for Their Role in the Insurrection”

National Response to the Biden Federal Mask Mandate

On 16 Jan 2021, the plan for Joe Biden’s first 100 days was announced. The headline from NPR read “Biden To Quickly Sign Orders Mandating Masks, Reversing Trump Travel Ban And More.” The part about “orders mandating masks” caught my attention. That story was tweeted on 17 Jan at 11:00 AM CT. Here's what President-elect… Continue reading National Response to the Biden Federal Mask Mandate

This Won’t End Well: Big Tech Firms Censoring and Targeting Conservatives

Simple Predictions About five days ago, I wrote an article stating that kicking conservative individuals and groups off of social media would result in militant extremists moving to encrypted channels of communication on the dark web to launch attacks against the nation. Now, five days later, militant extremists have moved to encrypted channels of communication… Continue reading This Won’t End Well: Big Tech Firms Censoring and Targeting Conservatives