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Below is the archive of site changes, posts, and updates in 2009.
- iBlog2 Theme. The site was upgraded to the latest iBlog2 theme recently announced by Paglines. (20091027tu1351)
- StatCounter Restored. It seemed that StatCounter was slowing down the website, but further testing showed it wasn’t the cause of slower response times. (20091026mo1800)
- StatCounter Removed. The StatCounter analytic tool has been removed in favor of the two remaining analytic tools: Google Analytics and Quantcast. (20091022th1834)
- Website Theme Changed. During September the ResourcesForLife.com website theme was changed to the iBlog theme from Pagelines. (20091001we0953)
- Page Navigation Enhanced. The ability to link to (return to) the top of the page has been added with a top name code inserted to the page header. Other locations on longer pages can be accessed directly using a similar method. The code is where the “A” is replaced with a word that describes the location, such as “top”. The code should be placed above the top of the section. The address to go to that location on the page will be http://www.yourwebsite.com/page.htm#location. Substitute your web address, the page to be accessed, and the word location to fit your situation. (20090612fr2105)
- Small Car Society. The Small Car Movement is expanding dramatically world-wide. The Small Car Society is a voice for the Small Car Movement. (20090605fr1032)
- Microsoft Virtual Earth Amazing 3D Modeling Fly Over Aerial View. This is an amazing mapping resource. (20090603we0412)
- Investing and Saving Money – Financial Tools and Resources. A list that represents a broad spectrum of financial diversification available for investing and saving money.(20090603we0406)
- Facebook Advertising Members Demographics Analysis. Learn more about the community of people who use Facebook. (20090603we0343)
- Modern Day Barn Raising in the Digital Age – Reviving a Tradition. (20090603we0342)
- What About Now – A Hopeful and Inspiring Music Video by Daughtry. (20090603we0250)
- ETrade Funny Baby Video Commercial Campaign – E*TRADE. An example of humor and creativity in advertising. (20090603we0249)
- ResourcesForLife.com Statement on Copyright, Creative Commons, Open Source, Transparency, and Collaboration. Our copyright policy fosters and facilitates cooperative, transparent, and open collaboration. (20090531su2214)
- ResourcesForLife.com News 200905. The May 2009 ResourcesForLife.com News is now available. (20090531su2213)
- SEO Search Engine Optimization Resources Software Techniques Manuals Guides Tips and Systems Review. (20090531su2212)
- Small House Society News 200905. The Small House Society News for April 2009 is now available. (20090531su2016)
- Streaming Music. We’re offering streaming music playlists now available in the right column of the website. (20090531su0806)
- Gregory Johnson – Personal Update 200905. The May 2009 Personal Update for Gregory Johnson is now available. (20090530sa1957)
- Heart Songs 200905 – Jai Ho. The May 2009 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20090530sa1940)
- Postville Raid. On 15 May 2009, an opinion article by Gregory Johnsonappeared in the Iowa City Press Citizen about the Postville Raid (Raid Attacked Whole Community, Page 7A).
- Dakar the Movie – Rally Auto Sport Racing – Film Video Movie Review Commentary Trailer Preview. This is an amazing documentary still in production. (20090510su1711)
- Truth in 24 – Audi R10 TDI Documentary – 2008 Le Mans Grand Prix De France – Movie Film Video Review Trailer. This is an amazing documentary. (20090509sa1757)
- ResourcesForLife.com News 200904. The April 2009 ResourcesForLife.com News is now available. (20090430th2359)
- Building Green – Environmentally Friendly Home Construction. In this Earth Day edition of ResourcesForLife.com television we take a tour of an environmentally friendly home build by DPO Construction LC. (20090430th2353)
- Heart Songs 200904 – By My Side. The April 2009 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20090430th2348)
- The Tiny Mobile Hermitage Small House for Sale!. This amazing small house is now available for sale. (20090430th2348)
- Small House Society News 200904. The Small House Society News for April 2009 is now available. (20090430th2348)
- Personal Update 200904. The Personal Update from Gregory Johnson for April 2009 is now available. (20090430th2348)
- Paper Heart – Film|Movie Selection for April 2009 – Trailer and Review. The ResourcesForLife.com Film / Movie selection for April 2009 is Paper Heart. (20090430th2048)
- Facebook Terms of Use Policy on User Content Posted on the Site – Copyright Usage Ownership. This is a helpful document for those concerned about posting content to Facebook. (20090430th2348)
- ShopToEarn ShopToEarth – Is it a legitimate business or a scam and consumer fraud?. This is a helpful video for those concerned about ShopToEarth ShopToEarn. (20090430th2348)
- ResourcesForLife.com Television. We’re now broadcasting our video materials to three video distribution websites: Blip.tv, Vimeo.com, YouTube.com. (20090430th2342)
- Olympus VN-5200PC Digial Audio Voice Recorder. There is now an information page and instructional video for the Olympus VN-5200PC Digial Audio Voice Recorder. (20090417fr2038)
- Simple Living and Temperance Video. Video is now available of the keynote presentation by Gregory Johnson on simple living and temperance. (20090417fr0741)
- Site Changes. The Housing link in the top navigation has been removed. (20090417fr0741)
- Diamondback Hybrid Bicycle Review Video. The Diamondback bicycle review page now has a 10 minute video about the bicycle and some of the accessories you’ll want to use for year-round commuting. (20090412su2058)
- Blue Planet Green Living. Our information page on Blue Planet Green Living now has a review of the BPGL website. (20090412su2057)
- Site Changes. The Housing link in the top navigation replaces the Small House Society link. The What’s New link is now simply New. (20090412su2056)
- Simple Living and Temperance. On 2 April 2009, Gregory Johnsondelivered a presentation in La Crosse on the topic of simple living and temperance at the Virtues Conference on Temperance at Viterbo University. To hear the presentation as well as questions and answers (1 hr 21m), visit the audio pageor right click here and choose save (37.3 MB). A video of the speechis also available (requires high speed connection and free QuickTime). About Viterbo University: “Founded by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in 1890, Viterboremains committed to its Catholic Franciscan values and its mission to provide each student with a quality liberal arts education rooted in the values of human dignity and respect for the world.”
- Virtual Meeting Center. Today ResourcesForLife.com launched a Virtual Meeting Center for conferences, workshops, training, seminars, meetings, presentations, and remote computer support. (20090331tu1658)
- ResourcesForLife.com News 200903. The March 2009 ResourcesForLife.com News is now available. (20090331tu0320)
- Small House Society News 200903. The March 2009 Small House Society Newsletter is now available. (20090331tu0313)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update 200903. The March 2009 personal update from Gregory Johnson is now available. (20090331tu0312)
- Heart Songs 2009 – High on LIfe. The 2009 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20090330mo2040)
- Heart Songs 200903 – Just Stand Up!. The March 2009 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20090330mo2038)
- Online Community. ResourcesForLife.com now has an online community. (20090323mo0506)
- Silent Communications Resource Group. American Sign Language ASL Resources and Learning Instruction Video Information. (20090314sa1857)
- Many Uses and Benefits of American Sign Language (ASL). A newly updated document about the many professional and personal applications for ASL being discovered every day. (20090314sa1856)
- Google Indexing. From 11 through 12 March 2009, the entire ResourcesForLife.com website, including all pages, were not showing up on Google. Our site is now back in the Google consciousness. (20090313fr0905)
- New Website Icon. The ResourcesForLife.com icon, which had been a green leaf with the letter R above and L below it, has been replaced by an icon created from a photo. (20090305th1216)
- Resources For Life News 200902. The February 2009 ResourcesForLife.com Newsletter is now available. (20090228sa2330)
- Small House Society News 200902. The February 2009 Small House Society Newsletter is now available. (20090228sa2329)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update 200902. The February 2009 personal update from Gregory Johnson is now available. (20090228sa2220)
- Arpeggio Rising. A new song by Gregory Johnson that was composed on Saturday, 21 February 2009. (20090228sa2210)
- Facebook Application Removal. Instruction on how to manage Facebook Applications and remove unwanted ones. (20090224tu1712)
- Chairlift Evident Utensil Datamoshing 4D Video Effect Inspires Creative Thought Similar to Autostereogram (20090222su1720)
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Idiots for Dummies(20090222su1720)
- Kingfisher Airlines of India Fares Review of Ticket Flight Booking Travel(20090222su1718)
- An Open Letter to those who write Open Letters(20090222su1718)
- Apathy Quotes. Here are some quotes about apathy if anyone cares enough to read them. (20090222su1717)
- Temperance – 2009 Conference on the Cardinal Virtues at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Gregory will be speaking about simple and small living at this conference in Wisconsin. (20090222su1716)
- Dell Adamo 10-inch Netbook Inspiron Mini 10 Notebook Computer(2000222su1716)
- Sky Dream. A new song by Gregory Johnson. (20090213fr12380)
- Music Video. This is a music video combining the photography and music of Gregory Johnson. The music, used is Retroactive Retrospective. (20090208su2121)
- Retroactive Retrospective. A new song by Gregory Johnson. (20090208su2100)
- Tea Drinking Daily – Tips for making a sweeter cup of tea without sugar. (20090206fr1244)
- Smuel Ocarina. Gregory now has a page for a new electric wind instrument, available for iPhone, that allows mobile GPS mapped composing. (20090206fr0835)
- BoxxyBabee Market Analysis – a market value analysis of BoxxyBabee is now available. (20090204we2122)
- Heart Songs 200902. The Heart Songs selections for February 2009 are now available. (20090203tu2205)
- Jazz Conspiracy. A new song by Gregory Johnson. (20090201su2202)
- Resources For Life News 200901. The January 2009 Resources For Life Newsletter is now available. (20090131sa2213)
- Lakota Future. This is the most recent public music composition by Gregory Johnson. (20090131sa1833)
- India Photos. There are now photos online from Gregory Johnson’s recent India trip from 25 December 2008 to 15 January 2009. (20090131sa1808)
- Small House Society News 200901. The January 2009 Small House Society News is now available. (20090131sa1628)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update 200901. The January 2009 personal update from Gregory Johnson is now available. (20090131sa1542)
- Heart Songs 200901. The January 2009 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20090131sa1519)