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Manufacturing Angst, Dissatisfaction, and Hopelessness

Activism > Advertising Summary. Consumers who are content and happy are less likely to buy things they don’t need. For this reason, numerous industries depend on creating and maintaining a sense of dissatisfaction and hopelessness. People who are dissatisfied with life are more likely to turn to consumerism, eating, gambling, shopping, or sensory altering products such… Continue reading Manufacturing Angst, Dissatisfaction, and Hopelessness

AT&T Painted Hands Ad Campaign

Activism > Advertising  Summary. AT&T recently launched a colorful and creative advertising campaign using painted hands to represent familiar images from various countries around the world where they offer mobile phone and data coverage. A series of these photos is found below. AT&T Painted Hands Photos. Click any image for a larger view. Commentary “Companies… Continue reading AT&T Painted Hands Ad Campaign

Word of Mouse Advertising is Replacing Word of Mouth Advertising

Activism | Technology Summary. Companies and organizations have always depended on word of mouth advertising. With the increase of people using email and online social networks, word of mouth advertising is increasingly being replaced by something referred to as word of mouse advertising. There’s soon to be a book that name. Today, just a click… Continue reading Word of Mouse Advertising is Replacing Word of Mouth Advertising

Pepsi Inspirational Music Video One Tribe Featuring Will.i.am

Summary In 2010, Pepsi launched the Pepsi Refresh Project and their Refresh Everything campaign using an inspirational music video featuring the song One Tribe by Will.i.am. The Refresh Everything campaign was established to offer grants to small charities that might not otherwise receive funding. This is an example of how an advertising campaign can be… Continue reading Pepsi Inspirational Music Video One Tribe Featuring Will.i.am

Nike Commercial Featuring Steve Nash as the 60 Million Dollar Man

Activism > Advertising Summary. Nike created a humorous series of videos with Steve Nash including the one below with Nash as the 60 Million Dollar Man. Traditional advertising places a product or service at the center of attention. However, a new approach to advertising has become more common where the primary message of the advertisement… Continue reading Nike Commercial Featuring Steve Nash as the 60 Million Dollar Man

Wavin’ Flag by K’naan and the Coca-Cola Celebration Mix Music Video for Word Cup 2010 FIFA Event

Inspiring Advertising The Wavin’ Flag Coca-Cola Celebration Mix music video that became hugely popular during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. The new mix sponsored by Coca-Cola features youth playing football (soccer). The video and song are available through the Apple iTunes music store, and viewable below. You can click the [x] in the upper right… Continue reading Wavin’ Flag by K’naan and the Coca-Cola Celebration Mix Music Video for Word Cup 2010 FIFA Event

Glacéau Vitamin Water Hosts Website With Facebook and Launches Steve Nash Funny YouTube Video Campaign

Activism > Advertising | Health > Food | Technology Summary. Most companies, brands, organizations, celebrities, and musicians have their own dedicated websites. In a break from tradition, Vitamin Water, a product of Glacéau, now has their VitaminWater.com domain address redirecting to the Vitamin Water Facebook Page with a message, “don’t be alarmed, this is our… Continue reading Glacéau Vitamin Water Hosts Website With Facebook and Launches Steve Nash Funny YouTube Video Campaign

Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld Buy Discount Shoes at Shoe Circus – Quality Shoes at Discount Prices Why Pay More – Windows Advertisement

Activism > Advertising Summary. The video below is an example of Microsoft’s attempt to create a humorous advertisement suitable for a viral marketing campaign. Advertisers are increasingly producing marketing campaigns that offer embedded humor. In this way, people will voluntarily share the ads with friends and colleagues. Other examples are the Vodafone India series of ads… Continue reading Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld Buy Discount Shoes at Shoe Circus – Quality Shoes at Discount Prices Why Pay More – Windows Advertisement

Basecamp by 37signals Offers Project Management and Workgroup Collaboration Online

Effective Living | Technology Summary. Basecamp by 37signals (at Basecamphq.com) is an online workgroup team collaboration system for cooperative teamwork and project management. Excellence in Advertising. ResourcesForLife.com has given 37signals our excellence in advertising award for their high quality candid videos. An example is below. Impressive Client List. Below are a few of the clients… Continue reading Basecamp by 37signals Offers Project Management and Workgroup Collaboration Online

The Fun Theory Initiative by Volkswagen – Piano Stairs Video

Activism > Training | Effective Living > Life Mobility Summary. The Fun Theory, at TheFunTheory.org, is an initiative of Volkswagen that demonstrates how the enjoyability factor is an essential element in designing products that will inspire and motivate people to use them. Innovation. Volkswagen is to the automobile industry what Apple is to the world of computers and… Continue reading The Fun Theory Initiative by Volkswagen – Piano Stairs Video

Inspirational Coke Commercial “Give a Little Love” Advertisement Video

Activism > Advertising Summary. In this inspirational animated Coca-Cola commercial, the refrain of the soundtrack is, “You give a little love and it all comes back to you. You’re gonna be remembered for the things that you say and do.” Message. It would appear that Coke is in the business of spreading the love. The ad… Continue reading Inspirational Coke Commercial “Give a Little Love” Advertisement Video