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Green Energy Report 2022

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides an ongoing update with curated recent news, reports, and commentary about the state of green energy. Here we share some of the concerns shared by green energy proponents. Emerging technologies are assessed for their usefulness and long-term viability. Content is listed in chronological order with headings identifying source and date. Deutsche… Continue reading Green Energy Report 2022

Electric Energy Storage Technologies – Flow Batteries, Thermal Storage, Hydro, and Gravity

This video examines electric energy storage technologies such as flow batteries, thermal storage, pumped hydro, and gravity-based storage. “The Future Of Energy Storage Beyond Lithium Ion – Over the past decade, prices for solar panels and wind farms have reached all-time lows. However, the price for lithium ion batteries, the leading energy storage technology, has… Continue reading Electric Energy Storage Technologies – Flow Batteries, Thermal Storage, Hydro, and Gravity

ENERGY READINESS – General McDew Discusses Renewal Energy for National Security

In the video below, General Darren McDew (retired) addresses energy readiness in a meeting of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Questions are posed by Sen. Warren regarding military use of renewable energy. In the conclusion of the video, Gen. McDew affirms that renewable energy is a matter of national security.

How Sweden Makes $60 Million Generating Heat and Electricity from Garbage

In Stockholm, Sweden, a waste incineration system generates heat for 100,000 residents and electricity for 200,000 people. In three years, the country will incinerate all waste and have no landfills. Great Britain and other countries pay Sweden about $60 million to take their waste. Video originally posted to YouTube on 12 Jan 2018.

ENERGY – 60 Minutes Australia Interview with Elon Musk (29 Oct 2017)

This two-part video from 60 Minutes Australia examines the power crisis in an interview with Elon Musk. “It’s been a miserable few weeks for Malcolm Turnbull’s government, stalled by myriad cock-ups and controversies. But the greatest challenge it faces continues to be Australia’s crisis over energy supply and cost. Who hasn’t been shocked by a… Continue reading ENERGY – 60 Minutes Australia Interview with Elon Musk (29 Oct 2017)

Soccer Field Powered by Solar and Kinetic Energy #STEM

“Under the project, sponsored by Royal Dutch Shell, around 200 energy-capturing tiles developed by British startup Pavegen were installed the width and breadth of the field and covered by a layer of AstroTurf. Working in conjunction with solar panels also installed around the field, the player-powered tiles feed electricity to a system of floodlights overhead.”… Continue reading Soccer Field Powered by Solar and Kinetic Energy #STEM

Scotland Promotes Community Owned Renewable Energy

Summary. Community Energy Scotland is one of many groups advancing sustainable energy initiatives in Scotland. From their website: We believe that communities can become stronger, more self reliant and resilient by generating their own energy and using it efficiently. We provide education, finance and practical help. We are a voice for communities who want to act now for… Continue reading Scotland Promotes Community Owned Renewable Energy