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Uber Driver Signup Guide and Resources Page

Sign Up To signup as a driver with Uber, follow these steps: Go to https://get.uber.com/drive/ When you complete the form, provide Invite Code HNFD9UE which will give you a $100 bonus for signing up. The signup process will walk you through the rest of what’s needed. You’ll need to provide your financial and banking information in… Continue reading Uber Driver Signup Guide and Resources Page

Mindvalley Voted Among Top Ten Coolest Workplaces in 2012

Mindvalley was voted among the World’s Top Ten Coolest Workplaces by Inc. Magazine in 2012. What is Mindvalley? We are a global brand and company that invests in, creates and builds businesses that help push humanity forward. We stand for ideas and products that allow human beings to live healthier, happier lives. From life-changing techniques… Continue reading Mindvalley Voted Among Top Ten Coolest Workplaces in 2012

The Value of a Community College Education

Abstract This study provides one of the first estimates of the returns to different types of community college credentials—short-term certificates, long-term certificates, and associate degrees—across different fields of study. We exploit a rich data set that includes matched, longitudinal college transcripts and Unemployment Insurance records for students who entered a Washington State community college in… Continue reading The Value of a Community College Education

Total Worker Health – Keeping employees healthy and productive

(Source: “Keeping employees healthy and productive – UI research report highlights multiple dimensions of ‘Total Worker Health’,” University of Iowa, 9 December 2013, by Dan McMillan) As health care and insurance costs have more than doubled in the last decade, employers are looking for ways to control costs while keeping workers healthy and productive. An emerging… Continue reading Total Worker Health – Keeping employees healthy and productive

Aljazeera Report on Education, Culture, Lifestyle, Economy, Housing, and Employment in China

This is a common story for young people in countries and cities around the world seeking employment and hoping to create a better life. Description: Many young Chinese are losing faith in China’s economic miracle. Even though the country is poised to overtake the US in the next decade as the world’s largest, fewer Chinese… Continue reading Aljazeera Report on Education, Culture, Lifestyle, Economy, Housing, and Employment in China

The Startup Guide for Creators

For creators, it’s nice to convert knowledge and experience into fruit of financial income that can sustain the pursuit of our passion. The checklist below provides some practical steps to help move people closer to establishing an infrastructure for income. Note: This is a companion document to “The Outcomes Guide for Creators.” Business Name. Think of… Continue reading The Startup Guide for Creators

Open Letter from Jeff Bezos – Amazon Founder & CEO – Regarding the Amazon Career Choice Program

Dear Customers, At Amazon, we like to pioneer, we like to invent, and we’re not willing to do things the normal way if we can figure out a better way. One area where we’ve seen particular success is our fulfillment center network. Sustained innovation inside our fulfillment centers has driven improved reliability, accuracy, and speed… Continue reading Open Letter from Jeff Bezos – Amazon Founder & CEO – Regarding the Amazon Career Choice Program

ResourcesForLife.com Support Now On ShopSquad – Earn Money From Home

Effective Living > Technology | Finance Summary. ResourcesForLife.com director, Gregory Johnson, is now providing product reviews, online shopping consultation, and live consumer support for free. Click here to begin, or continue reading to learn more. The Problem. In recent years, it’s become difficult for consumers and shoppers to find quality reviews of products and services… Continue reading ResourcesForLife.com Support Now On ShopSquad – Earn Money From Home

Home Based Business Guide

Career Summary. It could be said that launching your own home-based business is part of the American dream. Cottage industries are sprouting up daily. For example, the cottage cottage industry (people making and selling small homes) is increasingly popular among carpentry and business savvy individuals. Pictured here is Jay Shafer of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.… Continue reading Home Based Business Guide

Thoughts About Difficult Vocations and Careers

Career Summary. This document provides insights about difficult vocations and careers. Difficult Jobs. Some careers require more of a sacrifice than others, and depending on the vocation, a person may need to toughen up to succeed. Jobs that are physically or emotionally intense and demanding include: debtor asset collection or property repossession specialist emergency medical… Continue reading Thoughts About Difficult Vocations and Careers

Livestrong.com is Now Hiring Content Writers

Career Summary. Livestrong.com is now hiring content writers. Qualified writers can earn about $20 to $30 per hour in exchange for writing articles on health and wellness. The Livestrong.com website has over 5 million visitors per month. Click here to learn more. Commentary. This is an excellent example of how people are increasingly spending their… Continue reading Livestrong.com is Now Hiring Content Writers