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Democracy Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides selected resources and news stories about the state of Democracy in the United States. More information will be added during the year. Some older content is provided for context. For more, read Democracy Report 2023. News Below are videos and news stories that offer insights. CNN (30 Jun 2024) “Fareed’s take:… Continue reading Democracy Report 2024

Democracy Report 2023

Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides news highlights relating to the wellbeing of Democracy in the United States. Entries are in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Source and date are provided as the header for each entry. The Democracy Report 2024 has updated information on this topic. You can learn more about the… Continue reading Democracy Report 2023

Cognitive Bias and Conspiracy Theories on the Internet (Deutsche Welle, 2 Jul 2020)

Conspiracy theories are spreading rapidly on the Internet. And they find an audience that believes them. Scientists are studying why people have a tendency to believe nonsense is true. The Internet has profoundly changed our thinking in less than two decades. No other medium has manipulated human behavior to such an extent. The Internet can… Continue reading Cognitive Bias and Conspiracy Theories on the Internet (Deutsche Welle, 2 Jul 2020)

The Time When 193 ‘Local New’ Stations Across the Country Were Given a Script to Read

Here’s a story about “The Time When 193 ‘Local New’ Stations Across the Country Were Given a Script to Read.” Viewers assumed the message was local. It wasn’t. It was centrally distributed propaganda. No. It didn’t happen in Soviet Russia or Mao’s China,  it happened in the United States — recently. This is what happens… Continue reading The Time When 193 ‘Local New’ Stations Across the Country Were Given a Script to Read

“Dark Money” – A PBS Documentary about Buying Controlling Interest in America and Democracy

Democracy is supposed to function as a distributed form of collective self-governance with equal collaborative input and influence from all citizens. Just as an individual with self-control is free, a people who are self-governed through a democratic process are free. However, if a small number of people gain controlling interest in the political system, it… Continue reading “Dark Money” – A PBS Documentary about Buying Controlling Interest in America and Democracy

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Five Levels of Race Awareness in America

U.S. Election Turns to Race This past week, the U.S. presidential election brought the issue of race to the forefront of our national public dialog. This was ignited by a heated exchange between the presidential frontrunners who were each trying to prove they weren’t as racist as their opponent. Struggling for the Black vote, each candidate… Continue reading Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Five Levels of Race Awareness in America

A Government of the People

According to many historic accounts, the United States was established with the intension that it would be a country of self-governance and democracy. In other words, “A government of the people.” At the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln described our government in this statement: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish… Continue reading A Government of the People

The Urgency of Youth Representation

Activism | Relationships Summary. Imagine a person who’s brain is only partially operational. Their thoughts, words, decisions, and behavior would likely be impeded. So it is also true when a society does not have an open balanced democratic dialog and political system which includes all people of the society regardless of age or gender. If a… Continue reading The Urgency of Youth Representation