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Sleep Report 2023

Photo by Ihsan Adityawarman on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides information about why and how to get better sleep. Entries are chronological with the most recent at the top. The title of each entry includes the source and date. Last year’s sleep report is also available. [View 2022 Report] PBS NewsHour (21 May 2023) “Not getting enough sleep? Here’s how researchers… Continue reading Sleep Report 2023

Sleep Report 2022

Photo by Tan Danh on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides information about why and how to get better sleep. Entries are chronological with the most recent at the top. The title of each entry includes the source and date. [View 2023 Report] Dr. Jen Gunter (2 Nov 2022) “Do You Really Need 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night?” — When you… Continue reading Sleep Report 2022

“How to get a good night’s sleep” — Documentary by Deutsche Welle (11 Feb 2021)

Video About Sleep disorders are one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor in Europe. Instead of sleeping pills, alternative methods are increasingly gaining attention. This sleep documentary looks at new therapeutic approaches such as sophrology and light therapy. We spend around a third of our lives asleep. But more and more people… Continue reading “How to get a good night’s sleep” — Documentary by Deutsche Welle (11 Feb 2021)

Primary Causes of Excessive Food Consumption Leading to Weight Gain and Obesity

Transcending the “Eat Less” Mentality. Simply put, ongoing weight gain is caused by consuming more calories than one is burning. For this reason, it’s common for doctors and well meaning family or friends to advise obese people to “just eat less.” However, this advise is of little use to a person who feels very hungry… Continue reading Primary Causes of Excessive Food Consumption Leading to Weight Gain and Obesity