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DOCUMENTARY: Planet of the Humans (2019)

About Planet of the Humans dares to say what no one will-that we are losing the battle to stop climate change because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road-selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are… Continue reading DOCUMENTARY: Planet of the Humans (2019)

Returning to the Town that Walmart Left Behind

When Walmart moves into rural towns, the impact on local small businesses can be devastating and often results in local stores closing down. Even more devastating is the wasteland left behind when a Walmart pulls out of a community after homogenizing the local economy. Educational preparedness and workforce readiness are hindered. In other words, the… Continue reading Returning to the Town that Walmart Left Behind

Tamar Manasseh on repairing the cracks in our communities with Tikkun Olam

In the NewsHour’s Facebook Watch show, “That Moment When,” the founder of an organization dedicated to preventing senseless killing talks about the importance of building community. With Mothers/Men Against Senseless Killing (MASK), Chicago’s Tamar Manasseh goes to “where bad things are going to happen” and, over barbecue and good conversation, seeks to save lives. (12… Continue reading Tamar Manasseh on repairing the cracks in our communities with Tikkun Olam

“The American Dream in 50 Seconds” – A Commentary by Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg describes the American Dream in 50 seconds, and explains what factors are making it increasingly hard for people to achieve that dream. Video recorded on 4 Mar 2019 by the ICPL. This excerpt is used for non-commercial educational purposes according to fair use copyright practices.

Bill Gates and General Mattis Agree: Kindness is a Better Investment Than War – “The Nationalist Case for Globalism”

Something that Bill Gates and General Mattis agree on is that stability around the world will either be achieved through acts of kindness or by investing more money in bullets and war. Gates obviously wants the best return on his investments and charitable works. As he explains in the video below, kindness is the most effective… Continue reading Bill Gates and General Mattis Agree: Kindness is a Better Investment Than War – “The Nationalist Case for Globalism”

CLIMATE – Federal Government Announces Ominous Climate Report (23 Nov 2018)

Summary Below is news coverage over the past few days of a 23 Nov 2018 government climate report that describes serious negative outcomes that will be unavoidable if we don’t act soon to avert them. Some analysts are describing this as an extinction level event. The two volume report is available on the GlobalChange.gov website… Continue reading CLIMATE – Federal Government Announces Ominous Climate Report (23 Nov 2018)

“Dark Money” PBS Democracy Documentary About Impact of Secret Donors

Dark Money examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. For a limited time you can watch the documentary on the PBS website. It’s also available on YouTube for rent or purchase. The film has a 94% positive rating on Rotten… Continue reading “Dark Money” PBS Democracy Documentary About Impact of Secret Donors

“The Facebook Dilemma” – PBS FRONTLINE Documentary (2018)

“The Facebook Dilemma” is a major investigation of Facebook’s impact on privacy and democracy around the world. The documentary Premiered on 29 Oct 2018. The documentary examines the early years of the company through the present day global impact and repercussions of Facebook. Other issues addressed include the surveillance and data gathering aspects of Facebook… Continue reading “The Facebook Dilemma” – PBS FRONTLINE Documentary (2018)

ENERGY READINESS – General McDew Discusses Renewal Energy for National Security

In the video below, General Darren McDew (retired) addresses energy readiness in a meeting of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Questions are posed by Sen. Warren regarding military use of renewable energy. In the conclusion of the video, Gen. McDew affirms that renewable energy is a matter of national security.

GOVERNANCE – How Dark Money in Politics is an Attack on Democracy

Democracy is founded on the principal of distributed participatory governance to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Dark Money in politics allows small groups of people to have excessive and unfair influence over politics and policies in cities, states, and the entire nation, typically for personal gain and… Continue reading GOVERNANCE – How Dark Money in Politics is an Attack on Democracy

EDUCATION – Here’s why 18 teachers in Oklahoma are quitting their jobs

Eric Weingartner worked two side jobs in addition to his role as a full-time 4th grade teacher to make ends meet. Chemistry teacher Becky Smith’s monthly paycheck rose just $300 in sixteen years. Aimee Elmquist spent her own money to stock her biology classroom. Mary West was did the same for high school art. Teachers… Continue reading EDUCATION – Here’s why 18 teachers in Oklahoma are quitting their jobs

JUSTICE REFORM – 8 Women Run The Entire Justice System in South Fulton, Georgia

Two years ago the city of South Fulton, Georgia got to do something unusual: Build a government and a justice system from scratch. The brand new city of 100,000 residents — 90% of whom are black — broke off from greater Fulton County. One of the first things they did was build a justice system… Continue reading JUSTICE REFORM – 8 Women Run The Entire Justice System in South Fulton, Georgia