Video In this 24 Apr 2018 video, Jonathan Karl of ABC News interviews conservative billionaire Charles Koch. Quotes “We have this corporate welfare that benefits established companies and makes it very difficult for somebody to get started because this two-tiered society creates welfare for the wealthy and creates obstacles to opportunities for the disadvantaged. I… Continue reading DEMOCRACY – Charles Koch Speaks Out Against Corporate Welfare and Crony Capitalism
Category: Politics
ENERGY READINESS – General McDew Discusses Renewal Energy for National Security
In the video below, General Darren McDew (retired) addresses energy readiness in a meeting of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Questions are posed by Sen. Warren regarding military use of renewable energy. In the conclusion of the video, Gen. McDew affirms that renewable energy is a matter of national security.
GOVERNANCE – How Dark Money in Politics is an Attack on Democracy
Democracy is founded on the principal of distributed participatory governance to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Dark Money in politics allows small groups of people to have excessive and unfair influence over politics and policies in cities, states, and the entire nation, typically for personal gain and… Continue reading GOVERNANCE – How Dark Money in Politics is an Attack on Democracy
Conflict Resolution Mapping: Israel and Palestine
Conflict Resolution Mapping is a process used to identify blockages to successful conflict resolution. Influences that facilitate or hinder reconciliation are identified and visualized for discussing a strategy for progress. When we apply conflict resolution mapping to study the peace process in Israel and Palestine, we can see the influencers that hinder or help peace… Continue reading Conflict Resolution Mapping: Israel and Palestine
JUSTICE REFORM – 8 Women Run The Entire Justice System in South Fulton, Georgia
Two years ago the city of South Fulton, Georgia got to do something unusual: Build a government and a justice system from scratch. The brand new city of 100,000 residents — 90% of whom are black — broke off from greater Fulton County. One of the first things they did was build a justice system… Continue reading JUSTICE REFORM – 8 Women Run The Entire Justice System in South Fulton, Georgia
Beto O’Rourke Conversation with Ellen DeGeneres (5 Sep 2018)
After being insulted by the U.S. President, Beto O’Rourke responded on the The Ellen Show saying: “We welcome the President to Texas and we are glad he’s coming.” Below are videos from his appearance on the show along with the viral video referenced on the show.
John McCain Farewell Letter to America
These are the departing words from John McCain that he requested to be shared after his death. [Source: PBS, 27 Aug 2018 1:36 CDT] My fellow Americans, whom I have gratefully served for sixty years, and especially my fellow Arizonans, Thank you for the privilege of serving you and for the rewarding life that service… Continue reading John McCain Farewell Letter to America
Conservative Republican Joe Walsh, Pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen, Responds on CNN
After having been deceived, lied to, and manipulated into reading a teleprompter script of outrageous statements, conservative Republican Joe Walsh responds to prankster and producer Sacha Baron Cohen in a CNN interview with Michael Smerconish on 14 July 2018. Here are some selected statements about Cohen by Joe Walsh made during the interview: “He’s a funny guy,… Continue reading Conservative Republican Joe Walsh, Pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen, Responds on CNN
Anthony Scaramucci Interview with Alisyn Camerota on CNN New Day (17 Jul 2018)
Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci sits down with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota to discuss the fallout from President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (17 Jul 2018 | 7:00 AM CT) About We create original content and share curated content from around the web, ad-free for leaders and influencers. Our site is free… Continue reading Anthony Scaramucci Interview with Alisyn Camerota on CNN New Day (17 Jul 2018)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Videos and News (June 2018)
On 26 June 2018, 28-year-old newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [Facebook, Twitter, Website] won a New York primary race against 19-year incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), a virtually scandal-free Democratic Party congressman. Crowley outspent Ocasio by 18 to 1. This page offers news coverage of her win, and some recent background videos about the issues she is running on. Items… Continue reading Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Videos and News (June 2018)
Anthony Scaramucci Interview with Erin Burnett on CNN OutFront (25 Jun 2018)
In this interview with Erin Burnett, Anthony Scaramucci discusses the importance of elevating the political dialog in America, stating, “I don’t think any American is in love with the strategy of going low, and then going lower.” Other topics discussed are immigration policy, family separation, due process for immigrants, and comments by Rep. Maxine Waters. Video… Continue reading Anthony Scaramucci Interview with Erin Burnett on CNN OutFront (25 Jun 2018)
28 Children Just Shut Down Congress (20 Jun 2018)
On 20 June 2018 at 9:34 AM, in the House of Representatives, the silent presence of 28 children was considered to be a ‘breach of decorum’ while at the same time, the separation of families and caging of children on our southern border was not considered a breach of decorum. This 4-minute video is an… Continue reading 28 Children Just Shut Down Congress (20 Jun 2018)