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VICE News: Moscow’s Facial Recognition Tech Will Outlast the Coronavirus (16 Apr 2020)

MOSCOW – The Russian capital is home to a network of 178,000 surveillance cameras. Thousands of these cameras are already connected to facial recognition software under a program called “Safe City.” Police claim the technology has helped arrest more than 300 people. Now, as part of the response to COVID-19, authorities are trying to bring… Continue reading VICE News: Moscow’s Facial Recognition Tech Will Outlast the Coronavirus (16 Apr 2020)

IRAN – Documentary by VICE Media (15 Apr 2020)

Over the past weeks and months, Iran has descended into chaos. From the downing of a passenger jet to the assassination of a top general, and now one of the world’s largest coronavirus outbreaks, life in the Islamic Republic is facing its toughest challenges since it was founded in 1979. Just days before all hell… Continue reading IRAN – Documentary by VICE Media (15 Apr 2020)

“The Wisdom of Crowds” – James Surowiecki (Video)

Summary These are videos of James Surowiecki talking about his book “The Wisdom of Crowds” and the principles it is based on. [View on Amazon] CMX (13 Jun 2016) James Surowiecki: The Power of the Collective. James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds and columnist for The New Yorker, explained to us exactly why… Continue reading “The Wisdom of Crowds” – James Surowiecki (Video)

A Massive National Labor Strike: Peace and Equality Through Chaos and Anarchy?

The Rebel Alliance vs The Empire I’m a fan of Star Wars, but I’m not cult follower. I don’t dress up as characters or have Star Wars action figures. What I like about Star Wars is that the storyline is simple and familiar: There is a government (the Empire) which has become a totalitarian dictatorship… Continue reading A Massive National Labor Strike: Peace and Equality Through Chaos and Anarchy?

Jon Huntsman – Utah will rise to the challenge [COVID-19 Response]

[COVID-19 Strategic Response Portal] From: Jon Huntsman, former Governor of UtahDate: 20 Jan 2020Re: “Utah will rise to the challenge” Utahns have seen tough times before and we are better prepared than anyone to meet the challenge. This week has been one of dramatic interruption to our way of life. A pandemic has cancelled schools,… Continue reading Jon Huntsman – Utah will rise to the challenge [COVID-19 Response]

Coronavirus Capitalism — and How to Beat It

[Source: The Intercept, Naomi Klein, 16 Mar 2020] Governments around the world are busily exploiting the coronavirus crisis to push for no-strings-attached corporate bailouts and regulatory rollbacks. “I’ve spent two decades studying the transformations that take place under the cover of disaster,” writes Naomi Klein. “I’ve learned that one thing we can count on is… Continue reading Coronavirus Capitalism — and How to Beat It

Let’s Stop Stigmatizing Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity and Verbal Gaffes

There has been a rise in news reports focusing on Joe Biden’s verbal gaffes and questioning his mental acuity. His opponents in the Democratic Party as well as Republicans, are hoping this will discourage voters from supporting him. The result of this will be that people either vote for Trump, or they stay home thinking… Continue reading Let’s Stop Stigmatizing Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity and Verbal Gaffes

Elizabeth Warren could have been a presidential frontrunner. What happened?

Had women and their allies united to support Elizabeth Warren in the same way moderates united to support Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren could be a frontrunner in the presidential race and could have gone on to become the Party’s nominee.

After Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders faces historic opposition

Bernie Sanders and his supporters have created, curated, refined, and promoted an ideology and political agenda that is viewed as a threat by many powerful people, organizations, companies, industries, and sectors of society. As a result, Sanders faces a wall of opposition similar to a tsunami induced tidal wave. See the alphabetical list below for… Continue reading After Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders faces historic opposition