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Fauci Report 2024

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides current news about Dr. Anthony Fauci including recent news interviews. Some older videos are included for context and background. More information will be added as it is available. Fauci’s has published a new book, On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service. [Amazon] Fauci Bio on Amazon Anthony Fauci is arguably… Continue reading Fauci Report 2024

Good News Report 2024

Photo by Binti Malu on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some news reports about positive trends and stories. More content will be added as it becomes available. There are two initial reports below that set the tone of this document. The focus is on underreported good news, misunderstood news, and ways the public may be coming to pessimistic conclusions. Doom Scrolling… Continue reading Good News Report 2024

Future Report 2024

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

Summary This document is intended to offer news and information about innovations and technologies that can serve future generations and improve quality of life. Initially there are some videos from a PBS series that present realistic and positive future outcomes. A Brief History of the Future The videos below are from the six part series… Continue reading Future Report 2024

Liz Cheney Report 2024

Photo by Tom Fournier on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides recent news about Liz Cheney — a Wyoming resident known for her work promoting shared values and supporting democracy. Her book “Oath and Honor” is a memoir that offers a more thorough explanation of her views and background. News Below are videos in chronological order with the most recent at the… Continue reading Liz Cheney Report 2024

Peacemaker Report 2023

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on Pexels.com

Summary Those who consider themselves peacemakers will likely find 2023 to be a challenging year. Hopefully people will head into 2024 with a renewed vision and stronger resolve. This document offers commentary on some issues that peacemakers are facing and related topics. The topics are listed in alphabetical order. Courage to be a Peacemaker Some… Continue reading Peacemaker Report 2023

Hyper-Criminality Report 2023

Photo by EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA on Pexels.com

Summary This page examines hyper-criminality as it impacts the justice system and society. This article is does not intend to condone or glamorize criminal behavior, but instead looks for ways to redirect the energy of those with hyper-criminal tendencies. Some videos are referenced as resources to provide a synopsis insight into significant personalities. Brief Overview… Continue reading Hyper-Criminality Report 2023

Poor Logic – Low Impact 2023

Photo by Paul IJsendoorn on Pexels.com

Summary An ongoing theme on this website is the study of ineffective and counterproductive initiatives. This page offers news and resources examining how poor logic leads to low impact efforts. Heat Seeking for Evidence Sometimes if we know the conclusion we want to arrive at, we seek and selectively share evidence that helps defend and… Continue reading Poor Logic – Low Impact 2023

Unity Through Cooperation

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Summary Unity is important for effective business outcomes and broader social wellbeing. Cooperation is the process of identifying the skills, insights, and interests of diverse people and groups, then leveraging those assets for greater outcomes. Cooperation is not Compromise There’s an incorrect belief that cooperation involves compromise. The most effective collaborative efforts happen when people… Continue reading Unity Through Cooperation

Burger King #BKWhopper News 2023

UPDATE: 10 Dec 2023 This document was originally posted on 31 Aug 2023 and also shared with Burger King corporate leadership. On 20 Oct 2023, it was reported that lawyers representing Burger King presented a defense similar to those listed below to condemn the baseless and frivolous claims critical of the Whopper. [Source] In summary,… Continue reading Burger King #BKWhopper News 2023

Democracy Report 2023

Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides news highlights relating to the wellbeing of Democracy in the United States. Entries are in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Source and date are provided as the header for each entry. The Democracy Report 2024 has updated information on this topic. You can learn more about the… Continue reading Democracy Report 2023

Social Media Report 2023

Photo by Geri Tech on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some highlights of important news and events relating to the impact of social media on society. Entries are below in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Source and date are provided in the heading of each entry. For additional news and context, read “Social Media Report 2022.” News… Continue reading Social Media Report 2023

Population Report 2023

Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

Summary Population topics and issues are regularly in the news. This page offers news and reports for 2023. For more, read Population Report 2022 and also the Population Resources page. Gardening The gardening image at the top of this page shows quality of life that’s made possible by clean air, quality soil, flourishing pollinators, food… Continue reading Population Report 2023